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FREE 6 Week Affirmation Drop 

Affirmations for Self Love, Self Worth & Self Care

Is that negative voice in your head stopping you from doing the things that make you feel good? Does it chip away, telling you that you're not important enough, that your needs aren't important and that YOU ARE NOT WORTHY?


Using positive affirmations as a regular habit can be a simple way of quietening that negative voice, instilling new beliefs and creating a more positive mindset. Over time this will have a knock on effect to all areas of your life. 


Self care starts with believing you are worthy of it. 

Which is why each week you'll receive a different set of affirmations that will focus on building your self worth and self love. 


Write them down, put them in places you'll see them, sing them in the shower or have them as your screensaver! The more you see them and repeat them, the more they will override that negative voice and self care will become second nature. 


Sign up for my FREE 6 Week Affirmation Drop and you'll receive a fresh set of affirmations in your inbox every week for 6 weeks! By the end you'll be well equipped with a new mindset around self care; one with which you'll see yourself as a priority and with self care being second nature. â€‹



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